Phone numbers

Contact Air New Zealand direct for help with reservations, general inquiries, baggage services and airport information relating to flights from Taiwan to Auckland. Our friendly customer services team are here to help with all your inquiries.
Air New Zealand customer services

Reservations & General Customer Enquiries

Consumer Enquiries:

Phone: 0080-185-2038 (toll-free number)

Email us

Operating Hours: 9am-5.30pm, Mon-Fri

Afterhours Support:

Phone:  0080-185-2038 (which will re-direct you to our Auckland customer service team) or you may dial NZ directly on +64 (0) 9 357 3000

Calling from overseas

Air New Zealand baggage services

Airport Information & Baggage Services

Taipei International Airport

C/ EVA Airways Co. Ltd.
Phone: +886-3-3517637
Fax: +886-3-3833675
Baggage Claim Area , Terminal 2,
Taoyuan International Airport
Office hours: 08:30am - 23:00pm, 7 days

Air New Zealand customer feedback


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