Connecting you with the ones you love.
When kids are travelling by themselves, you want to make sure they're doing just fine. So we asked ourselves how we could help. We call our nifty solution 'Airband™'. It slips easily on the wrist of any unaccompanied minor and sends you a message along their journey.

When checking in at the airport, the child travelling will be given a special wristband. When they reach certain stages of their journey and their Airband is scanned by staff, text message updates will be sent to up to five nominated contacts (the parent or guardian and drop off and pick up contacts). Text messages* are sent at the following stages:
- On check-in at the airport to confirm registration
- When boarding the plane
- When their flight has landed and they are handed over to ground staff
- When they are picked up by the designated pick-up person
* Text message notifications are currently not available for travel from Niue due to limited mobile services.